Recommended by Jenny O'Connell
Writing about the art of noticing, and what it means to be awake, alive, and living days of wonder in an old farmhouse on the coast of Maine where nature inspires, art is made, and young children play.
Beautiful meditations on life and light from a deep soul. There is so much in the ordinary to love.
Four parents talk about raising trans kids, living in a gender expansive world, the obstacles we encounter, and the joys we celebrate
Dispatches from gender fluid families on their joys and struggles, and essential reading that connects us to each other and reminds us that "what harms one of us harms us all."
A personal story of surviving multiple death initiations and being courted by shamanic practice, as a person without clear spiritual lineage, in a modern world that invalidates this work.
Kati’s got a gift for deep and insightful cultural criticism mashed up with incredible memoir writing. She’s taking us places few dare to write about.